Boost your SEO 

with a netlinking campaign

Improve the quality and quantity of traffic & develop the popularity of your website in order to obtain better natural referencing!

B2B, High-Tech, Big Data,  Cybersecurity, Cloud, Analytics

Do you want to order 

an article ?

© 2021 All rights reserved

DR : 2,5 K  DA : 55 TF : 30 CF : 47

Discover our Media Group


Price with writing : 550€  HT

Price without writing : 535€HT

High-Tech, Business, Video games, VR, Gaming

DR : 1,2K  DA : 59  TF : 22  CF : 38

Price with writing : 350 €  HT

Price without writing : 335 €HT

Business, High-Tech, Home, Well being , Gaming, Lifestyle

DR: 946  DA : 57  TF : 29 CF : 46

High-Tech, Business, Industry, Smart City, Digital Transformation 

Price with writing : 290 € HT

Price without writing : 275€ €HT

DR: 756  DA : 51  TF : 25 CF : 41

Business, Places, Services, Event, Team building, Animation, Location

Price with writing  : 150 € HT

Price without writing : 135 €HT

B2B, High-Tech, Big Data,  Machine Learning, Robotic, Business

Price with writing : 200€ HT

Price without writing : 185€HT

Monthly traffic : 400 000

Monthly traffic : 100 000

Monthly traffic : 400 000

Monthly traffic : 50 000

DR: 3K  DA : 35 TF : 30  CF : 34

Monthly traffic : 20 000

DR: 116  DA : 28  TF : 20  CF : 32

Monthly traffic : 400 000

Discover our other websites

Monthly traffic : 2324

Our instruction

DR : 30    DA :  27   TF : 23   CF  : 31

Monthly traffic : 8500

DR : 35    DA :  20   TF : 39   CF  : 52

Price with writing : 150 € HT

Price without writing : 135 €HT

Monthly traffic : 11533

Price with writing  : 200 € HT

Price without writing : 185 €HT

DR : 30    DA :  20   TF : 28  CF  :43

Monthly traffic : 2122

DR : 30    DA :  26   TF : 28   CF  : 41

Price with writing : 200 € HT

Price without writing : 185 €HT

Monthly traffic : 1530 

DR : 35    DA :  27   TF : 31   CF  : 42

Price with writing : 150 € HT

Price without writing : 135 €HT

Monthly traffic : 955

DR : 30    DA :  25   TF : 29   CF  :41

  • Ideal text length : 500 words
  • Language : french only
  • The topic of the article must be related to the main topic of the website 
  • 2 permanent dofollow link per article
  • Possibility to add 1 or 2 dofollow links to a high traffic and trustworthy website (Wikipedia, Le Monde, etc.)
  • 1 internal dofollow link per article
  • Anchor text : not spammy (3 words minimum)
  • Publication : at the chosen date, after review and validation of the redactor in chief + proof of paiement
  • Forbidden websites : topics unrelated to the website, gambling, pornography, promotion of dangerous or illegal activities
  • Means of paiement : Bank transfer or Paypal

- 10 %            

                    From 3 articles 



Technology, Prevention & Defense 

Price with writing  : 100€ HT

Price without writing : 85€HT

Monthly traffic : 10 000

DR : 585  DA : 19   TF : 22    CF : 32

Price with writing : 350 €  HT

Price without writing : 335 €HT

Price with writing : 290 € HT

Price without writing : 275€ €HT

Feel free to contact us to have the list of all our websites and metrics

#Technologie  #BtoB  #I.T  #VR  #A.I  #IoT  #Event  #Home  #Data  #Cyber sec  #Learning  #Metavers  #Web3  #Crypto

Ask for our list and prices

Contact us :

Monthly traffic : 274

DR : 30    DA :  25   TF : 29   CF  : 43

Price with writing : 150 € HT

Price without writing : 135 €HT

Monthly traffic : 1348

DR : 35    DA :  17   TF : 26   CF  : 31

Price with writing : 150 € HT

Price without writing : 135 €HT

Monthly traffic : 274

DR : 30    DA :  16   TF : 27   CF  :39

Price with writing : 150 € HT

Price without writing : 135 €HT

Monthly traffic : 30

DR : 30    DA :  20   TF : 25   CF  :35

Price with writing : 100 € HT

Price without writing : 85 €HT

Monthly traffic : 30

DR : 5    DA :  7   TF : 9   CF  : 11

Price with writing : 50 € HT

Price without writing : 35 €HT

Price with writing : 150 € HT

Price without writing : 135 €HT

Offered options

  • For each link purchased, 3 internal links on our site will be offered to you.
  •  Newsletter/ Automatic integration offered
  •  Social network integration (Linkedin/Twitter/ Facebook) offered for main sites.
  • 3-day homepage presence offered