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Guide to homepage links : use, importance and best practices

Guide to homepage links : usage, importance and best practices

Homepage links are essential components of website navigation, serving as pivotal anchor points that help users orient themselves and navigate a site effectively. This article delves into the importance of homepage links, discusses their various forms, and offers best practices for optimizing their functionality.

Guide to homepage links : usage, importance and best practices

The importance of homepage links

Homepage links are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they provide a quick way for users to return to the start point of a website, particularly useful when users get lost within the site or when they wish to begin a new task. Since many users now enter websites through publithings.com/google-ads-maximiser-succes-grace-publicite-payante » target= »_blank » aria-label= » (opens in a new tab) » rel= »noreferrer noopener » class= »ek-link »>search engines, often landing on interior pages, a direct link to the homepage can significantly enhance the user experience by offering an easy reset of their navigation journey.

Types of homepage links

There are two primary methods of presenting homepage links: implicit and explicit.

Implicit links

These are typically incorporated through clickable logos. It’s a well-established web convention that clicking on a website’s logo will take the user back to the homepage. This standard helps reduce confusion and meets user expectations.

However, this method is not entirely foolproof. Some users, especially those less familiar with common web conventions, may not recognize that logos are clickable or may struggle to locate them if they are not positioned in a conventional location, such as the top-left corner of the page.

Explicit links

These are clearly labeled links, usually denoted as « Home » in the site’s navigation menu or breadcrumbs. Explicit links eliminate any ambiguity about how to return to the homepage and are particularly useful in complex or densely populated websites.

Best practices for homepage links

Logo placement and design

Ensure that the logo is prominently placed in the top-left corner of the page, as this is where users expect to find it. The logo should be visually distinct from other elements on the page to avoid any confusion. Non-standard placements, such as center or right alignment, can disrupt the user’s ability to easily find the homepage link and should be avoided.

Visibility and accessibility of explicit links

Place explicit « Home » links in visible locations such as the global navigation or breadcrumbs. These should be easy to find and not crowded out by other content or design elements. Avoid redundancy by not repeating the Home link in multiple navigation areas on the same page.


Start the breadcrumb trail with a Home link. Breadcrumbs not only provide a clear path back to the homepage but also help users understand their current location within the site structure.

Avoid active home links on the homepage

It is unnecessary and confusing to have an active « Home » link on the homepage itself. Instead, the Home link should be visibly deactivated or styled differently to indicate that the user is currently on that page.

Differentiating subsite home links

For large organizations with multiple subsites, it is crucial to clearly distinguish between links leading to the main homepage and those leading to subsites. This can be achieved by using different labels or additional clarifications to help users navigate between these sections without confusion.

Design considerations for homepage links

When designing homepage links, it is crucial to balance aesthetics with functionality to ensure that they integrate seamlessly with the overall design of the website while remaining highly usable and accessible. Here are several key factors to consider:

Homepage lincks : visual harmony

Homepage links should complement the overall design of the website. This includes matching the typography, color scheme, and graphical style of the site to ensure coherence and continuity. The choice of font and color should not only align with the brand’s identity but also be clear and easy to read to avoid visual confusion.


Consistency is key in web design, especially regarding navigational elements. Homepage links should maintain a consistent look and placement across all pages of the site. This consistency helps users develop an intuition for navigating your site more efficiently, as they can rely on persistent elements being in the same place on every page.

Highlighting importance

While integrating the design, it’s also necessary to ensure that homepage links are prominent enough to stand out without overpowering other important elements. Techniques like using a slightly larger font size for the link, a contrasting color, or even a unique yet subtle design feature can help make the homepage link noticeable without disrupting the overall design hierarchy.


Homepage links should be easily clickable, which means adequate sizing for both desktop and mobile users. Touch targets should be large enough to be tapped without precision, which enhances user experience, especially on mobile devices where screen real estate is limited. Additionally, consider the placement of the homepage link; ensuring it is placed in areas where users expect to find it, like near the top-left corner or within the main navigation menu, can significantly improve navigational efficiency.


Accessibility should never be an afterthought. Ensure that homepage links are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This means adhering to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), such as providing sufficient contrast between the link text and its background, using text instead of images of text (unless absolutely necessary), and ensuring that links are accessible through keyboard navigation. Also, adding descriptive alt text for links embedded within icons (like logos) can aid those using screen readers.

Responsive design

With the increasing use of mobile devices to access the web, it is essential to ensure that homepage links are responsive. This means they should remain functional and aesthetically pleasing across different devices and screen sizes. This might involve adaptive changes in size, layout, or visibility, depending on the device being used.

Testing and feedback

Finally, once homepage links are designed and implemented, continuous testing and user feedback are invaluable. This can involve A/B testing different styles to see which performs better or gathering direct user feedback through usability testing sessions. These insights can be crucial in refining the design to better meet the needs of your users.

Analyzing the impact of homepage links on user experience

It’s beneficial to regularly analyze how users interact with homepage links. Tools like heatmaps and user session recordings can provide insights into user behavior, helping to identify any navigational issues and opportunities for improvement.

By adhering to these principles and regularly assessing their impact, you can enhance the user experience on your website, making navigation intuitive and straightforward.


While the practice of clicking on logos to return to the homepage has become more widespread, relying solely on this convention can lead to navigational challenges for some users. Therefore, websites should employ both implicit and explicit homepage links to cater to a broader user base and enhance overall site usability. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your website remains user-friendly and easy to navigate, regardless of how users choose to interact with your content.

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