Why organize a company seminar? Overall, this event is part of a company’s development strategy. The specific and precise objectives are then defined according to the needs of the company and the circumstances they are going through.
The established objectives determine the type of seminar to be organized. Integration seminar, cohesion seminar, training seminar, or management seminar? This choice affects the organization of your event, particularly the choice of activities. Details.
What is a company seminar?
The beneficial effects of this type of event on the company are no longer in doubt, which is why organizing a seminar has become common in the professional world.
To put it simply, the company seminar refers to a meeting held outside the formal framework of the company. This situation would allow participants to be more receptive. The event can take place over one or more days. It is common for the company to organize the seminar abroad, but the event can just as well take place indoors, especially if the budget allocated for its organization is limited. Beyond a simple meeting, the company seminar is a genuine working session, punctuated nonetheless by recreational phases.
Why should a company seminar be organized?
Why organize a company seminar? To optimize the development of the company through tailored support for teams. This could be a training session to strengthen skills or a leadership coaching session for managers and executives. If your brand is launching a new product or service, the company may organize a launch meeting to enhance the appropriation of the item and create dynamics around the novelty. This type of seminar is more commonly known as kick off. The seminar can also aim to achieve cohesion among employees, a real performance lever for any company. Similarly, the integration of new members can also explain why the company wishes to organize a seminar. To avoid the dull and monotonous side of these long hours, focus on different activities to entertain your audience while conveying your message.
Discover why to organize an integration company seminar?
After a wave of recruitment, it is customary to organize information meetings to brief newcomers on the stakes of their position, the strategies of the company, etc. As an alternative to traditional meetings, you have the option to organize a company integration seminar and here’s why. During a simple meeting, employees remain passive receivers. In contrast, during the seminar, participants take part in the training through thoughtfully prepared activities designed in advance. Because yes, by nature, the seminar is participatory. Knowing that a person retains 90% of what they do compared to 20% of what they hear, the choice of a seminar proves relevant.
Understanding why to organize a company cohesion seminar
To answer the question of why organize a company seminar, the answer largely depends on the needs of the company. A cohesion seminar fits into a dynamic of strengthening internal communication. The event allows, among other things, to detect sources of tension, communication breakdowns between different departments or members of the same team, etc. During the seminar, employees are encouraged to participate in collective activities to establish or facilitate exchanges to promote contact. This event boosts motivation thanks to the many challenges to tackle.
What about the training seminar?
The growth of a company necessarily goes through individual skills. That’s why you have everything to gain by organizing a training company seminar. The idea is to enhance the expertise of your employees to face competition or update development strategies. Training employees on new tools can also motivate the organization of such an event. The seminar offers the advantage of providing your employees with a refreshing setting, which, according to experts, improves concentration. Training is also found to be more stimulating in these circumstances.
Focus on the management company seminar
The management seminar is particularly aimed at executives and managers of the company. The question is why is it necessary to organize this event. This seminar brings together the most experienced and the beginners for an experience sharing. The objective remains to strengthen know-how at all levels: leadership, finance, human resource management, development strategies, etc. For each of these seminars, always choose a pleasant environment, comfortable and wellequipped. It is best to delegate the organization of the event to an event agency that offers a turnkey service. This allows you to enjoy a tailor-made event within your budget.