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The basic rules for a successful corporate evening

soirée réussie, soirée organisée par une agence événementielle à Paris

Whether it is for a product launch, an inauguration, an evening event, or an exhibition, a company will inevitably have to organize an event, and for the organization to be successful, there are tips to know. If you have the heavy task of organizing an evening for your company without much knowledge, here are some basic tips to save you.

Every event involves an investment of time and money, often considerable. Given its multiple stakes, such as the company’s reputation and image, thinking about it only on the day of the event is a serious mistake. The same applies to the return on investment. Indeed, all phases are important, namely, the pre-event, during the event, and the post-event. It is noted that animations that evoke emotion, such as 360° video, are must-haves for a memorable evening.

successful evening, Pepper the robot

Interaction: Tip #1 for a successful corporate evening

As a corporate evening is primarily aimed at its employees, involving everyone in the organization is an excellent barrier against disappointment. In this way, you invite your colleagues to engage with the event, spark their interest, and give the evening a better chance of success. In the context of organizing an event, making technology your best ally is a clever idea for better interaction. For visibility, the domino effect caused by social media is a concrete example.

The company can entrust the content of the publication to a community manager. Being a specialist in their field, they will know if it should be focused on a humorous, informative, or suspenseful tone to encourage the public to comment, share, etc. Other technological tools such as holograms, connected objects, or virtual reality also prove to be very effective in fostering this interaction. If one aims to mobilize the maximum audience around the event, digital has no equal.

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successful evening, community management

Being responsive: Tip #2 for a successful evening

Another asset of digital technology is its ability to simplify exchanges with the public. Communication can even take place in real-time. So, it’s good to take advantage of this by putting your responsiveness at the service of the event. Specifically, you may have the opportunity to influence the latter through the collection of important data such as opinions, suggestions, etc. With technology, sorting information is also made easier.

After the event, you will then be able to measure the return on investment. Impressions, various feedback, and the excitement generated by your evening will help you with this. If you took care to collect the contact details of the prospects, you could also send them photos or souvenir videos. They will in turn use them to enhance the visibility of your brand. It’s also a good way to keep in touch, even if the prospects in question did not attend the evening.

successful evening, multi simulator VR during a stand exhibition animation

Diverse pleasures: Tip #3 for a successful corporate evening

Just as each individual has their own character and beliefs, the guests at an evening event will also have their own expectations and preferences. Therefore, it will be difficult to satisfy everyone with a single activity option. For everyone’s benefit, it is important to vary activities as much as possible. This is one of the essential bases for a successful evening. However, it is not about randomly choosing an activity.

To align with the set objective, the activity must match the overarching theme of the event. This raises the question of the importance of preparation in advance. A successful evening indeed involves knowing your audience to provide them with complete satisfaction. Besides that, the relevance of the event also largely depends on the definition of the objectives that one expects from it. It is the animations that will allow us to address this dual constraint. If we aim for excellence, it is essential to focus on astonishment to attract and retain the audience’s interest. The evening will be successful when it positively marks everyone’s minds.